Simple Pricing


Ideal for smaller servers or casual usage.


This includes:

Gambling commands

Affection commands

Access to user statistics

Weekly guild statistics (limited)



For larger servers that want full access to the bot and its features.


This includes:

Gambling commands

Affection commands

Access to user statistics

Weekly guild statistics

Premium Support

Unlimited usage

Frequently asked questions

What is Tokyo Premium?

Tokyo Premium is a subscription that unlocks additional features for larger servers, including access to detailed statistics, log commands, and priority support.

How do I invite Tokyo Bot to my server?

You can invite Tokyo Bot by clicking on the invite link available on the website or from the bot's Discord profile.

What commands are included in the free version?

The free version includes access to economy, affection, and basic command usage, with some limits. Premium features such as log commands and detailed statistics are available with Tokyo Premium.

How do I upgrade to Tokyo Premium?

You can upgrade to Tokyo Premium by visiting the bot's Store on Discord and choosing the subscription plan that best fits your server's needs.

What happens if I cancel my Premium subscription?

If you cancel your Premium subscription, your server will lose access to Premium features at the end of the billing cycle. You’ll still have access to the free version of the bot.

How is the bot's performance on large servers?

Tokyo Bot is optimized for performance, even on large servers. Premium users can get more advanced features and better support for higher member engagement.

Is there a trial period for Premium?

Yes, every new server gets a limited trial of Tokyo Premium for the first 14 days, allowing you to explore the Premium features.

What happens if the bot goes offline?

If the bot goes offline due to maintenance or hosting issues, it will automatically reconnect once service is restored. Join the support server for updates.

How do I view my server's stats?

Premium users have access to advanced statistics like daily, weekly, and monthly trends.

Can I set custom automated messages?

Yes! With Tokyo Premium, you can set up automated weekly messages, including detailed server stats, at your preferred time.

Are there any limitations on the free plan?

The free plan includes limited command usage and fewer features compared to the Premium version, which offers advanced stats, logging, and enhanced support.

What payment methods are supported?

We accept credit cards, PayPal, and other standard online payment methods. You can manage your subscription through Discord.